מציג 33–48 מתוך 542 תוצאות
Digital article – Jewish Libraries under German Occupation: The Reich Security Main Office as an Agent of Nazi Looting
₪25 הוספה לסל -
Digital article – Jews and non-Jews in the Partisan Movement in Belorussia, 1941-1944
₪25 הוספה לסל -
Digital article – Kibbutz Lohamei Hagetaot: A Site of Memory in a Challenging Reality, 1949-1959
₪25 הוספה לסל -
Digital article – Living the Everyday: Fredy Hirsch – Athlete, Educator, and Protector of Children in the Chaos of the Holocaust
₪25 הוספה לסל -
Digital article – Lviv and Galician Spaces during the Holocaust: Borwicz, Frenkel, and Ginczanka
₪25 הוספה לסל -
Digital article – Marching into the Storm Jan Baudouin de Courtenay’s Work for the Civil Equality of Jews
₪25 הוספה לסל -
Digital article – Memory and North African Jewry’s Memories of World War II as Reflected in the Art of First-Generation Mizrahi Artists in Israel
₪25 הוספה לסל -
Digital article – Nazis, Dogs, and Collective Memory: The Holocaust’s Impact on the Formation of Negative Attitudes toward Dogs in Jewish Society in Israel
₪25 הוספה לסל -
Digital article – On Marcos Silber’s Different Nationality, Same Citizenship: The Struggle for Achieving Autonomy for Polish Jewry during the First World War
₪25 הוספה לסל -
Digital article – On Pavol Mešt’an’s Antisemitism in the Political Development of Slovakia
₪25 הוספה לסל -
Digital article – On Shimon Redlich’s
₪25 הוספה לסל -
Digital article – Our Aliyah from Germany to Eretz Yisrael, 1933 The Story of a Family, the Story of an Era
₪25 הוספה לסל -
Digital article – Out of the Ruins: Establishing Haredi Families after the Holocaust
₪25 הוספה לסל -
Digital article – Perpetrators, Victims, and Neighbors: The Fate of the Jews in Buczacz, 1941-1944
₪25 הוספה לסל -
Digital article – Rachel Ronen – The Diary of a Girl from the Lodz Ghetto: A Document from the Moreshet Archive
₪25 הוספה לסל -
Digital article – Residential Living Patterns among the Jews of Warsaw during the Interwar Period
₪25 הוספה לסל