About Moreshet

‘Moreshet’ – the Mordechai Anielevich Memorial Holocaust Study and Research Center was founded in 1961 by a group of Jewish fighters both in the partisan ,the ghettos and the camps, all were member of ‘Hashomer Hatzair’ movement in Europe. ‘Moreshet’ is dealing mainly with different aspects of personal choices and self-decision making in the time of the holocaust. In addition one more main subject ‘Moreshet’ is dealing with is the youth movement role in the daily life of the ghettos during the holocaust and their part in the rebellions against the Nazis.
In ‘Moreshet’ there’s an active education department that work on passing the holocaust memory with teenagers, soldiers, students, teachers, educators and more. The education department emphasizes on the youth movement and their educational and communal role and the different methods of resisting to the Nazis and their helpers.
Since 1963 till this day ‘Moreshet’ book publishing is publishing the ‘Moreshet Journal’ which is a peer review periodical. ‘Moreshet Journal’ is publishing in association with Tel Aviv University and it is the oldest periodical about the holocaust that is still publishing today.
‘Moreshet’, hand in hand with ‘Yad Yaari’, as part of ‘Hashomer Hatzair’ historical department is leading the book publishing which publishes testimonial and research books every year.
In ‘Moreshet’ archive there is a huge collection of various artifacts, testimonies, press segments, texts and more from the holocaust and WWII time. Amongst them there is original writings of Mordechai Gebirtig, holocaust survivors and Cyprus displaced person camps personal items, rare photo albums from Lodz ghetto and other places.
‘Moreshet’ is part of ‘Hashomer Hatzair’ historical department. The historical department includes ‘Moreshet’ and ‘Yad Yaari’ and it’s working to preserve, documente, research and educate. all around ‘Hashomer Hatzair’ activities as a life movement in Israel and abroad (the youth movement, ‘Hakibbutz Haartzi’, Mapam\Meretz, press, art, educational institutes, Tzavta and more).