The Mordechai Anielewicz International Center for Holocaust Documentation, Research, and Education

Welcome to Moreshet

About us

Moreshet – The Mordechai Anielewicz International Center for Holocaust Documentation, Research, and Education, was founded in 1961 by a group of fighters, ghetto rebels and partisans- members of Hashomer Hatzair movement in Europe. Moreshet locate in Givat Haviva. in Moreshet we have a rich archive, book publishing house and an educational department with exhibition and classes

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Now in moreshet


Humanity in the Ghettos

/ The virtual exhibition “Humanity in the Ghettos” is one of three new, interactive, interesting and Educating exhibition of Moreshet /

מספר מעגלים של תלמידים ותלמידות בפעילות

Educational department

/ holocaust educational center /

‘Moreshet’ holocaust educational center is offering a verity of learning activities of the highest quality. All of the activities are guided by teachers, instructors and lecturers, all with high degrees, teaching certificates and a lot of educational experience.


“Like everyone else?”

/ תערוכות /

Moreshet Archive

‘Moreshet’ archive collects and preserves original documents, photographs and different artifacts of the holocaust and WWII time. In the archive there’s a huge collections of text and recorded personal and collective testimonies, all collected right after the liberation and during the years after.

פורטריט של טוסיה אלטמן

Exemplary Figures

/ חינוך /

Moreshet Exhibitions

In ‘Moreshet’ we have a verity of exhibitions who invites the visitors to a deep and experiential meetings with main historical issue s from the holocaust time. We emphasis on dilemmas, main characters and the life design  processes.

תערוכת נשים של מכון מורשת

A Face to Resistance: Women in the Holocaust

/ מדריכי פולין /
כינוס של מדריכי השומר הצעיר עם יאנוש קורצ'אק

Israel reads Korczak

/ קטלוג הספרים /

Moreshet Book Publishing

In Moreshet book publish you can find books about the lately holocaust and Anti-Semitism researches, Memorial books and testimonies, a tourist guides to Poland and ‘Moreshet Journal’ from all the years.

חוברות תוכן של מושרת אחת על השנייה


/ חינוך /
מתחתם הכיתות של מכון מורשת

About Moreshet

/ חינוך /

אנחנו מבקשים לברך את יהלום וצ’בטיקנין על הזכייה

הזמנה לכנס לציון 80 שנים למרד בנייסבייז' פורטריט של ישראל גוטמן


/ המייסדים /

Hijacking the Memory of the Holocaust by Illiberal Forces

 Andrea Pető is a Professor in the Department of Gender Studies at Central European University, Vienna Austria and a Doctor of Science of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.