Moreshet Book Publishing

Moreshet book publishing

‘Moreshet’ book publishing was founded in 1963. Since then there are Research Books (about the holocaust, antisemitism and the youth movements) being punlished, ‘Moreshet’ Journal among them. in addition to that there’s memory books and testimonials which emphasis the unique personal side of holocaust. Some of the books are specified for children and teenagers. Our “Guide to Poland” books helps people who want to travel to Poland and are looking to know better the Jewish history of the country. ‘Moreshet’ book publication is working hand in hand with ‘Yad Yaari’ to publishย  historical researches that relate to the youth movement during the holocaust and specifically about ‘Hashomer Hatzair’ Movement.


With Assistance from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany
Sponsored by the Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibilityย  and Future”ย Supported by the German Federal Ministry of Finance

In 'Moreshet' book publishing catalog you would find all of Moreshet books, Moreshet Journals and papers and Moreshet Guides to Poland. Most of our publishing is in Hebrew

To Moreshet catalog

Our books

In 'Moreshet' book publishing house you would find books that deal with holocaust and antisemitism research, memory and testimonials books, tourists guides and all of 'Moreshet Journal' all through the years. All of those are books that takes the reader to the deepest depth of humanity evil and sufferings in one hand, but on the other hand the reader will find faith in goodness, grace, mercy and humans ability to rose up and get to the light. Most of our books is in Hebrew

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Moreshet Journals and papers

From the beginning 'Moreshet Journal's unite the best researchers both from Israel and all around the world. The researchers discuss many variety of topics in the holocaust and anti-Semitism field. In 'Moreshet journal' you can find researches, documents and testimonies.

With the help of the claims confrence

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ื™ืœืงื•ื˜ื™ื ื ื•ืกืคื™ื

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Publish in Moreshet publishing house

'Moreshet' book publication invites researchers and writers to contact us to publish their book. The books need to deal with matters about the holocaust, antisemitism, holocaust memory and the Jewish life in Europe. we are not obligated to give a positive answer to every request.

Contact us

Guides to Poland

'Moreshet' present to the public our line of "Guides to โ€“ Krakow, Warsaw, Lublin, Lodz and it surroundings, Galicia (Polish Galicia), Bialystok (Pล‚ock, Torun and Poznan). The 'Guides' was written by Batya Dvir and Alex Danzig, historians whom knowledgeable about the 800 years of Jewish history in Poland, polish history and the holocaust time to our days. The series publication was become possible thanks to the Claims Conference and thanks to Somech, Landan and Rinat families from Palo Alto, U.S.A.

Opening hours and Directions

  • Sunday-Thursday, 9:00-16:00, By appointment
  • Givat Haviva, Menashe mail service, 3785000

Contact information