One day seminars for students

קבוצת תלמידים יושבים באודיטוריום ורואים סרט

When we in Moreshet come to build a day seminar, we talk with the educators of the visiting group. according to that conversation, we can understand the historical bases of knowledge the group already has and the continued process of the group after they leave Moreshet. Combining all of these things, we build the day seminar so the day will be best suited for the group.

The day seminar can contain a variety of activities (workshops, movies, lectures, testimonies, exhibitions and more) that allow for a rich, curios and developing learning experience. All of our activities invite moral conversations about the choices and dilemmas of man and woman during the Holocaust and WWII. We are doing this by getting to know the people and their stories from that time.

During the seminar we’ll have conversations and share thoughts with the groups educators, because we understand their crucial part in the continuation of the learning process.

this line of thinking enables us to build a long process with the group. This kind of process will enable an enriching and deepen understanding of the different subjects that we touch and to expand the curiosity of the student.

For all the Geffen program approved activities press here

schedule examples

An example of a prep day to choose to go to a Poland delegation

8:45 What is the Holocaust? – a workshop about the concept of the Holocaust and its boundaries

10:15 Break time

10:30 Why go to Poland? – the criticism about the Poland delegations and its opportunities

12:00  Break time

12:25 The memorialization of the Holocaust in Israel – the historical context of the change in Holocaust memorialization in Israel and the Poland delegations

13:15 Ending

An examples for a day seminar about Nazi Germany ( a first day out of several):

8:00 Opening segment – my thoughts about the Holocaust

9:00 break time

9:15 Life under the Nazi regime: the exclusion of the Jewish population

10:30 Break time

10:45 Education and propaganda under the Nazi regime

12:00 Break time

12:30 The character of a Murderer

13:30 Closing segment

14:00 Summery

An example for a learning day in our exhibitions

8:00 Opening segment

8:15 The exclusion of the Jewish population in Germany

9:15 Break time

9:30 “A face to resistance – Woman in the Holocaust” exhibition

10:30 Break time

10:45 A meeting with a Holocaust survivor and hearing his testimony

12:00 Break time

12:15 The “Mordechai anielevich” exhibition

13:15 Launch break

14:15 “Besa” exhibition – The Albanian righteous among the nations

15:15 Break time

15:30 Summery

16:00 Ending

Contact us to book an activity:

Irit Hauban – 050-6365738