Showing all 6 results
“Moreshet” educational and memorization center offers a verity of high standard educational activities and learning plans for all shorts of audiences
Educational contents foe teachers and educators: lessons plans, guidance kit, Israel reads Korczak project and exemplary figures
Suggestions for one day seminars, few days seminars, exhibition visit and a verity of activities
Trips in Israel and Delegations to Poland for teenagers, students and adults
One day seminars, conferences, books and enrichment content
The Moreshet archive home page
Search in the Moreshet archive cataloge
“Moreshet” institute have a rich verity of exhibitions that creates a unique and interesting educational experience foe every visitor.
Exhibitions fits for long distance learning, suited for middle and high school students
Mobile exhibitions, easy to display at different places
Paintings, Photographs and archive items about different subjects
Permanent exhibitions, suited for visit of high school and college students, military personal and adults
Moreshet institute story
About Moreshet institute all department personal
papers and articles about different issues related to the Holocaust and WWII
Events that happened at Moreshet institute
Events that about to happen in Moreshet institute
Showing all 6 results