Educational tour in Israel
With Covid-19 pandemic outburst in Israel, the teenagers delegations to Poland had stopped.
we in ‘Moreshet’ tried to think and develop an educational alternatives to those delegations.
of course there isn’t a way to do in Israel a journey as we do in Poland, with all the sites, feelings, thoughts and the educational opportunities that comes with going to Poland.
Nevertheless, from a deep sense of responsibility to the holocaust memorization and holocaust public opinion in Israel, we, in ‘Moreshet’ took up the challenge of creating a 3-5 day educational tour in Israel that will allow teenagers a significant encounter with the holocaust subject.
A tour with a meaningful guidance that will create a relevant discussions with teenager, that asks them difficult questions and bring them hard and challenging dilemmas. A tour that connects the things that happens then and there with building our society here and now in Israel.
In corporation with “From Holocaust to Revival Museum” in Yad Mordechai Kibbutz we developed this educational tour in Israel that brings this important and complex subject of holocaust memorization in an interesting, learning way for teenagers in Israel.
Educational tour followed the holocaust and its meanings in Israel
“remembering the past, live the present, believe in the future”!
Abba Kovner
In corporation with “From Holocaust to Revival Museum” in Yad Mordechai Kibbutz we offer a dynamic and unique educational tour in Israel. The tour is for the 11th and 12th grade pupils and can be a replacement to a delegation in Poland.
The educational tour goals:
– Study the holocaust and its meanings through the dilemmas that of people, community and the society during the holocaust and after.
– Get to know the holocaust memorial in Israel through the years and to ask how do we want the memory to be in the future
– Through the educational tour we emphasis the group place and group bonding to make the experience a positive one that brings the pupils closer. Also we emphasis the development of every pupil individual self-thinking and critique point of view.
The educational tour framework:
– The tour will be in small groups that allow on open and shared discussions
– Strict safe and comfortable educational environment
– Before the tour we’ll do a preparation day in school
To create a significant and interesting educational experience, we build a modular plan that can be suited to the school will and characteristic.
In each plan we’ll bring our professional knowledge as holocaust educational institutes, through our non-formal educational methods. The schools can choose either a 4 days (3 nights) plan or3 days (2 nights) plan.
An example for a tour schedule:
**there’s a possibility to visit also other sites.
Third day Kibbutz Yad Mordechai | Second day (an example option) Jerusalem | Second day (an example option) Tel Aviv | First day ‘Moreshet’ institute |
A tour in ‘Yad Mordechai Museum’ – the first year of the war in Poland – The moving to the ghettos – Warsaw ghetto as an Urban area – Warsaw ghetto rebellion Righteous among nations – The story of Wladyslaw Kowalski From holocaoust to revival – The Mordechai Anielevich statue – The parents who died in the holocaoust monument The whole tour summery | The character of a killer – Gerard Behar Center – Eichmann trial – The interaction of the Israeli society and the holocaoust survivors Sanctification of life or sanctification of God’s name – A visit to a Talmudic college, the continuation of the Jewish life. Getting to know the Hasidic and Ultra-orthodox world. Mt.Herzl – The Jewish community handling with the European Jewish holocaoust – The Jewish parachutists and the Memorial for the Last of Kin site – Day summery discussion and preparation to the next day Sleep: Jerusalem\The south area | Between victims and collaborators Kiryat Shaul cemetry – the kapo from Block 11 The non-Jewish victims of the Nazis The LGBT monument Museum of the Jewish people – A link in the chain – currents in the Jewish world – Jan Karski – Polish and Jewish relations “To where does the trains go?” – processes in the final solution, the train wagon in Netanya – Summery discussion and preparation to the next day Sleep: Tel Aviv\The south area | ‘Ein Haoresh’ cemetry from the start of the youth movement through the jewish uprising during WWII and to the renewal in Israel An activity in ‘Moreshet’ educational istitute ‘Like everybody else?’ – the daily life under the Nazi regime 1933-1939, how does racism develops. Sleep: Givat Haviva |
The first day:
we’ll start the first day in Kibbutz ‘Ein Haroesh’. We’ll learn about the beginning of the youth movement and get to know the ones that fought the Nazis during WWII and immigrated to Israel after the war, was settled in a Kibbutz and was active in it. After it we’ll visit ‘Moreshet’ in Givat Haviva. In ‘Moreshet’ we’ll learn about the daily life in Nazi Germany through a unique educational activity.
The second day:
On our second day we’ll tour around in Tel Aviv. We’ll visit Kiryat Shaul cemetery and get to know fascinating stories about the Jewish during the holocaust, we’ll visit the LGBT monument and hear about the Nazis pursuit after the Jewish. We’ll visit the ‘Museum of the Jewish people’ and asks about our connections to the Jewish world back than and today. We’ll get to know the heroic tale of the righteous among nations, Jan Karski, and we’ll finish the day in the train wagon in Netanya which led Jewish to extermination and a discussion about the final solution.
*There’s an option to have a tour in Jerusalem instead of Tel Aviv, or to add a day to the whole tour and du both days
The third day:
The last day of our educational tour we’ll start at ‘Yad Mordechai Museum’ and learn about the start of the war, the life in the ghettos, The challenges they brought to the Jewish life and get to know the heroic story of Warsaw ghetto uprising. We’ll get to know the story of the righteous among the nations, Wladyslaw Kowalski and get to know Mordechai Anielevich story while visiting his statue. We’ll finish our educational tour with a discussion about heroism. Then and today and do a summery ceremony.

With Assistance from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany
Sponsored by the Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future” Supported by the German Federal Ministry of Finance